Wednesday, October 18, 2006

2006 The Air Force One Line

Alright... Nike Air Force Ones is what McDonald's is to Big Mac's, the startling difference is that where ever you go a Big Mac tastes the same way... Greezzy Goodness! but As of late Nike has put the Nike Airforce on a tailspin to disaster... Maybe we need a refresh how Dope Air Force's were...
This a 2004 Release that is off the hook which my buddy Adam seems to dig...

2005 Release that i absolutely dig

Don't Get me wrong there are some ill forces that dropped this year... Invisible Woman's... the Pilla-Pines' which are pretty dope and have sold out where ever you can get them. But for the most part 06' Releases have been REALLY weak... here are examples of how shitty this year has been for the force.

Yes ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

That is An Air Force One...Holy Shit ... this is not a joke Nike is very fuckin serious about these shoes and even have an exclusive release date for these "beautys" This takes a special special special person to cop these... Boys you see a skirt wearing these just pretend to change a song on your iPod and head the other direction. 'Cause she has to be trouble if shes reppin' these. The year is almost over and done with, hopefully Nike puts some more effort into their bread and butter. But for the time being I have been focusing on Jordan's and Dunk's. But I have a feeling that New Balance and Asics runners be whats hot on the streets...Watch Out

Edit by boozeneshoes Oct. 18/06 2:04 PM

Those Rose AF1 highs are one of my holy grails! Sick shoes. But my official Air Force 1 holy grail would have to be the Air Force 1 High Stash. I believe they were released in early 2003 and were limited to 3000 pairs worldwide (1000 in London, 1000 in New York and 1000 in Tokyo). They come with a CD and a lockable briefcase. They have to be one of the greatest AF1s ever made! Here's some pictures:


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